We take air-conditioned, chartered buses to age-appropriate locations for activities that are educational and lots of fun. Our priority is to take trips that give campers the opportunity to be in a natural setting or a museum worth exploring as a group. In order to maintain a very safe adult to camper ratio, Specialists accompany home groups as additional adults on field trips. Trips take place on Fridays.
On trips we maintain a 1 to 6 counselor to camper relationship. For this reason, we do not ask for parents or caregivers to accompany groups on trips.
Eight Ups Field Trip Schedule:
Session 1:
Week 1 (June 28th): Ferox Parkour
Week 2 (July 5th): Pier 26
Session 2:
Week 1 (July 12th): Liberty Science Center
Week 2 (July 19th): Central Park Zoo and Hecksher Playground
Session 3:
Week 1 (July 26th): Luna Park
Week 2 (August 2nd): All Camp Celebration